Blush Novelties Avant D5 Review: striped silicone dildo w/ suction cup

Blush Novelties' Avant D5 is a dildo with red, black, and white stripes.

Who thought that a dil­do could be a stand-​in Rorschach test? The strik­ing red, white, and bands on the Avant D5 con­jure asso­ci­at­ed images of coral snakes, clowns, Sin City, and Dr. Seuss, among others.

Despite the sub­jec­tive inter­pre­ta­tions, most sex geeks can agree that it's remark­able for a dil­do of this price to be this gor­geous. There's no short­age of pret­ty, arti­san sil­i­cone dil­dos with stripes, sparkles and oth­er­wise. However, when you sink into the Avants' price range, it's a dif­fer­ent story.

Blush Novelties' Avant line stands out with its aes­thet­ic revamp of pre­vi­ous­ly dil­do molds. The Avant D5 is the same shape as the Real Nude Rollo, but is a sin­gle den­si­ty through­out. Its "Sin City" palette fea­tures stripes of red, black, and white. Its sib­ling, the Avant D6 "Electra" dil­do has bands of black, elec­tric blue, and hot pink. Both are entic­ing eye candy.

Blush Novelties Avant D6Blush Novelties Avant D5 "Sin City" Side View

I hoped that my vagi­na would appre­ci­ate the Avant D5 as much as my eyes did. Perhaps I was set­ting it up for fail­ure; I enjoy twist­ing the D5 inside me, but I'm not enthralled with using it any oth­er way. Somehow, thrust­ing it over­whelms and bores me at the same time.

In this Blush Novelties Avant D5 review:

The Blush Novelties Avant D5 is about 1.65" wide, the same diameter as the tip of the Tantus Uncut#1

Pictured from left to right: Tantus Uncut #2, Blush Novelties Avant D5, Blush Novelties Avant D4, Tantus Cush O2

Features of the Blush Novelties Avant D5

Along the 6.5" of insertable length, the Avant D5 fea­tures a slight coro­nal ridge, ver­ti­cal bumps and ridges down the shaft, and a suc­tion cup base. If you're used to tak­ing average-​sized cocks, this dil­do is a nice next step up in girth. Its 1.6–1.7" diam­e­ter makes it about the same cir­cum­fer­ence as the broad­est part of the Tantus Uncut #2 and thin­ner than the Tantus Cush O2.

The Avant D5 is one of the more pli­able single-​density toys I've used. It's almost as squishy as the out­er lay­er of Tantus's dual den­si­ty sil­i­cone. It has more give than Vixen Creations' sin­gle den­si­ty while being firmer than Bad Dragon's medi­um firm­ness toys. If I had to com­pare, I'd say that the bend­able, some­what drag­gy nature reminds me of the Tantus Super Soft C‑ring, espe­cial­ly with how much the base stretches.

Blush Novelties Avant D5 "Sin City" packaging Blush Novelties Avant D5 "Sin City" Top View Blush Novelties Avant D5 "Sin City" Bottom View

How does the Blush Avant D5 texture feel?

The tex­ture looks so sub­tle, but when I clench around the Avant D5, I can feel every lit­tle bump and vein that drags over the front wall of my vagi­na as I rotate the dil­do. Twisting it back and forth with a vibe on my clit was my favorite way of using it to add vari­ety. Click on the thumb­nails above to zoom in and see the tex­ture more closely.

There are two main kinds of tex­ture I can appre­ci­ate: big bumps for jig­gling in place against my G‑spot and small ver­ti­cal ridges for twist­ing back and forth.

The D5 falls into the lat­ter cat­e­go­ry. Add it to some exter­nal stim­u­la­tion for more explo­sive orgasms.

The ridges, how­ev­er, turn into a hin­drance when I thrust it by itself. It's not that the tex­ture alone is too much; it just takes so long for this toy to do any­thing good for my cervix or G‑spot. By the time I think I might get some­thing amaz­ing from thrust­ing it, the lube dries up, and the tex­tures start to irri­tate my vagi­na. I reap­ply the lube, repeat the cycle, and I often end up frustrated.

Blush Novelties Avant D5 Review: striped silicone dildo w/ suction cup 1

How does the Avant D5 perform for G-spot or cervix stimulation?

I want­ed to love the Avant D5, but I dragged my feet every time I had sched­uled to test it. At first, I chalked up the vagi­nal rug­burn feel­ing to hav­ing washed the dil­do with peppermint-​infused soap. No big­gie, right? I'd wait for the next day to test it again.

As it turned out, though, my vagi­na real­ly didn't care to thrust it. Even with a dif­fer­ent kind of soap. Even with extra lube. At worst, I'm irri­tat­ed. At best, it some­times gets the job done, but I think anoth­er toy would have been bet­ter at it.

Cervix stimulation

It's easy to assume that I'd like any dil­do that's long enough to reach my cervix. I can some­times squeeze out a cer­vi­cal orgasm with the D5. However, there's a lim­i­ta­tion at play.

When I attempt rapid­ly thrust­ing this dil­do to mas­sage my cervix, it's just "bleh." It's straight-​shafted, mod­er­ate girth, and bendy with­out much of a defined head. These fea­tures make it more dif­fi­cult to tar­get the opti­mal spot in my pos­te­ri­or fornix. And since it's so hard to aim, it gives the tex­ture and drag more time to start feel­ing scratchy.

I had to bring out my Tantus Silk Large to com­pare and make sure I didn't imag­ine things. Surely enough, I had a cer­vi­cal orgasm with the Silk Large, with no prob­lem. The Silk might be basic AF, but it's firmer. And the slight­ly tapered increase in girth towards the tip does a bet­ter job at press­ing into my cervix just right. As well, my beloved Vixskin Johnny and Outlaw might be squishy on the out­side, but they have a firm inner core for thrusting.

G‑spot stimulation

Blush Novelties Avant D5 Review: striped silicone dildo w/ suction cup 2The Avant D5 is also too flex­i­ble to aim at my G‑spot. I like toys I can thrust into my G‑spot dur­ing the "in" stroke, more than pulling on it on the "out" stroke. The sil­i­cone sur­face is drag­gy enough to pull on my G‑spot, despite the bare­ly pro­trud­ing head, but it's just not enough for me to get off. For me, the D5 is decid­ed­ly nei­ther a G‑spotting dil­do nor a cervix-​massaging one.

Who would I recommend or not recommend the Avant D5 to?

I see this dil­do as some­thing fair­ly frill-​free to clench around, to twist, and to enhance exter­nal stim­u­la­tion. Fans of light tex­ture would love love the Avant D5. The same goes for peo­ple who want a medium-​firm and flex­i­ble dil­do. As some­one who enjoys glass toys and girth, how­ev­er, I fall into nei­ther of those cat­e­gories. The flex­i­bil­i­ty and straight shaft are under­whelm­ing to me.

If your tastes are sim­i­lar to mine, you'd be hap­pi­er with an Avant D3 or D4. It's girthi­er, smoother, and more rigid, with big struc­tur­al bumps. The "Sin City" col­ors made me want to like the D5 and D6's shape, but my feel­ings toward it are the def­i­n­i­tion of lukewarm.


I received the Avant D5 from Peepshow Toys in exchange for giv­ing my hon­est, unbi­ased opin­ion. If you want to sup­port me and see more reviews, check out this and oth­er toys in Peepshow Toys' care­ful­ly curat­ed col­lec­tion (like the Avant D3 or D4!). Purchases through my links will bring me a com­mis­sion at no extra cost to you.

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3 Responses

  1. G says:

    Again, enjoyed read­ing why this didn't work for you. Thank you for the review!

  2. Valiziosa says:

    I'm look­ing for­ward for Blush to sell those mar­velous dil­dos in Europe too… I know they're very bud­get friend­ly, but the ship­ping costs nul­li­fy any saving 🙁

  3. Kalliopeia says:

    It is indeed a trag­ic truth that inex­pen­sive dil­dos rarely get to be pret­ty. I do love the col­or scheme of this one.

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